Friday, April 6, 2012


So we have talked about modesty here before and about how our clothes should be glorify to God. But I don't that anyone I have heard of....has said sometimes even when we are trying to please God with our clothes honest mistakes can happen.

Wednesday I was up at 6:30 in the dark stumbling around trying to get ready for my classes and I just pulled on some shorts and a T-shirt. (You should know I am a really modest person that didn't think she had any problem clothes in her wardrobe...) I honestly thought I was perfectly fine and that my clothes were fine and covered what they needed too. They were not...I made an honest mistake and wore it all day. I didn't notice it either until two guys hit on me and made comments about my body that made me very uncomfortable...

I was mortified I didn't want this to happen! I try to honor God in all my choices especially with my clothes and my body...I even had lunch with a Godly girlfriend...She may not have noticed but either way she didn't say anything...I had work out clothes in my car that were better I could have changed into if I had noticed or someone told me.

So here are lessons
  • Sometimes even when we have the best intentions we make mistakes...not that we should dress immodestly and say it was a mistake. But it does happen.
  • Girls,(and I say girls because guys its inappropriate for you to do so) if you notice a friend of yours that strives for modesty having a wardrobe malfunction let her know gently and talk about what you two can do to fix it...a jacket or hoodie can help with too tight pants with tying it around the waist or of course with a shirt problem. :)
  • Guys, if your sister in Christ is having a problem with her wardrobe she might notice I know this is a tricky subject... I know guys I have known before if their sisters or another girl they trusted was around they alerted them to deal with it.
  • Check in the mirror a couple times in the light after you stumble around the dark to get dressed! haha.
  • Laugh at yourself and don't let the same mistake happen twice :) 
So I know this was really random but like I said this has happen to me recently and it was on my mind. If you can add to this I would love to hear it in the comments below!!


  1. Sounds like you had an interseting day lol. Thanks for your honesty!

    1. Your welcome! I was struggling as to whether or not to post this but I decided to go ahead and do it...I hope it helps someone :D


A couple of rules and guidelines for comments:

1. Please have them be appropriate... in the langauge you use, your grammer (As much as possible. I don't expect perfection.), and in regards to staying on the subject of the post.

2. Be honest. Share stories and personal experiances if you would like but please don't share names and locations and such...I don't say this to be mean but to protect everyone here =)