Also I happened to stumble upon this guy"s facebook page and was sad to find this under his religious views
This broke my heart and I have to wonder did anyone try to reach this guy for the gospel? Do I have a friend I need to witness to before a tragedy like this occurs? This thought is ever more prevalent also because our church is going through the Way of the Master series ...I suggest you check out their webpage and consider how you can reach someone for the Lord because life is so fragile.
Also I don't think my friend who saw this guy is a Christian so pray for her and pray for me that if I get the chance to chat with her I have the right words to say....
Man, that's sad! I know that family must be going through a really hard time. And so many people have the same thought process that blogger does; it's so sad. The Truth is right there and people pass by it and will never see it for what it is. It's so sad.