Well if you know me you know that lately I have been dealing with some stressful stuff. ACT, My car is in the shop and is going to cost A LOT to get out, making the final finishing stretch in school, getting a job and well the list could go on! ( but for your sake I won't list anymore! ha ha)
One thing that I seem to need alot of lately is money...My bank account has been getting increasingly smaller and my worry level spikes every time is does. "what if I don't have enough to help mom and dad get the car out of the shop" " what if I don't have enough to go out of town this week?" "what if I don't have enough money for this gift I need to buy" and again the list goes on! ha ha.
Well long story short my bank account last night was about half of what it was at the beginning of last week (which to be quite honest wasn't much anyway!) So I get a call from a friend asking if I would like to deliver food for a family who just had a baby. (Back story the night they had the baby I stayed with their other two little children that night so they could go to the hospital) Delivering food to sick families or families who just brought home newborns is a ministry my church does.So I agreed and went and picked up the food and bless her heart...despite me saying she didn't have to pay me she did. =)
I then went to the dear friends of mine's house who had recently had a beautiful little baby girl. They were so gracious and thankful for the food. They gave me a picture of the new little one along with money for babysitting the other two that night. I did both of these things without any expectations of getting anything back...but God looked out for me and provided all the money that was missing from my bank account plus a couple dollars!
Rock on!