Thursday, March 10, 2011

Hating God.

A sad trend I have noticed in some friends of mine is this...Loving God from first grade to high school graduation and then losing their faith in college...I don't know how it really happens. Maybe its being away from mom and dad. It could be from the people they now hang out with in college. Then again maybe their faith wasn't real to begin with...maybe a combination of two or all three of those things.

My heart really breaks when I see this happen. But what breaks my heart even more is when they post status's on facebook or write blog posts about hating God.

Recently a friend of mine on facebook wrote "I hate god" and when I asked him why he said "where do you want me to start? :P" I shared with him my personal experience with hating God through a rough spell in my life...I shared with Him that I found that trusting Him and relying on Him has been easier for me throughout my difficult circumstances because of our saviours unconditional love and His comfort...My friend never responded to this message but I kept Him in my prayers and still am. =D

I have also come upon this with a girlfriend of mine...she is much harder to reach though...I still pray for her often and she once in a while though quite a bit older reaches out to me...

Why am I rambling on about this though? I don't know...God has really set it on my heart to pray for these people...the people who once seemed to be in love with Him but are now proclaiming to hate Him. I feel lead to reach out to them...I know that these people don't need to be hit in the face with the Bible. I find that what helps lead them back to Christ is often a friend who is non judgemental and who is Jesus to them. Also someone who  can just be their prayer warrior whether they realize it or not.

So while it breaks my heart to see this happen to my friends I will continue this small ministry Christ has given my of friendship, a listening ear, and a prayerful heart. =)


  1. That's the story of my youth group. We get a bunch of new kids and they all start to grow. Things are great for a while, but then they stop coming and go back to their previous lives. It's really hard to go through that. I joined church at the start of a growing period and that growing period ended a year ago. A small one came up over the summer and ended last fall. There's nothing as painful as watching all these kids come and say they love Christ then leave and return to their old lives.

  2. This is the first post I have read on your blog, and I love it! This is a topic that has been on my mind lately as well. I often wonder why some good friends have slowly turned away from God. It seems to me that there is a real decision that has to be made in each person's life: will you follow the world or follow Christ? I can definitely see that it is easier to follow the world, though following Christ is much more rewarding. Thank you for the encouragement to continue to reach out to my friends and to keep praying.


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1. Please have them be appropriate... in the langauge you use, your grammer (As much as possible. I don't expect perfection.), and in regards to staying on the subject of the post.

2. Be honest. Share stories and personal experiances if you would like but please don't share names and locations and such...I don't say this to be mean but to protect everyone here =)