Monday, May 2, 2011


Today I took my younger brother to Tae Kwon Do. I have done this about twice before...normally I sit there and watch and keep to however I was sitting by a mom watching her son and I started a conversation with her and was complementing her son. I made a comment about my brother being a "ball of energy" and how Tae Kwon Do has been so good for him...then she said "Yeah I talked to his mom and he probably is like that because he doesn't go to school. They wear them out there."

To which I was thinking...
WHAT DOES SCHOOL HAVE TO DO WITH IT? Why did you even bring that up?

She seemed to think lowly of us because we are a homeschool family and seemed to want to start a debate...I didn't let that happen. I just let it go and said "I think he would have this much energy anywhere."

I don't even know why I am even blogging about this...I guess its just because I am tired of homeschooled kids still get a bad rap among some people...especially  ones who have good christian parents.

Another sad thing that happened today while at Tae Kwon Do was hearing a mom tell another mom that she told her son about homosexuality and that it was ALL GOOD. She  was also bragging about how she talked to him about other stuff ( that I can't mention and wouldn't want to mention on this blog) and let him watch TV shows that I can't imagine letting a child 10 or under watch ( this class is comprised of kids mostly under 10)

This all reminds me to of how many are without Christ...Ugh I am so caught up in my christian bubble that I don't see this stuff and reach these people like I should. I have to also wonder am I being Jesus to them like I should? Do they see anything different in me? They should.

So I don't maybe I am really naive but this stuff just greatly bothered me and I actually now that I am writing this I am convicted to pray for these women and their children. So I will do this and maybe one day God will use me to plant a seed in their lives.


  1. Good post! I bet God will use you one of these days. Just keep being a vibrant light for Christ and don't ever let people looking down on you stop you!

  2. Sometimes reaching out to others who we consider disturbing can be an awkward task. But keep in mind we would be the same way as them without Christ! We should not judge them.
    God made the ultamate sacrifice for us, we should be willing to get out of our comfort zone for him. By the way, I am preaching to myself as much as I am to you!

  3. Being homeschooled, I'm very familiar with what you experienced. The best thing is to live obvious for Christ, and to pray for the unsaved. Keep it up!


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